

New features and fixes in v2023.46.0


  1. Debtors in commercial orders
  2. When searching for stock cards, the exact match is displayed first
  3. Automatic deactivation of the "for sale" label

Debtors in commercial orders



We have now also added the debtor marking function to warehouse commercial orders.

When searching for stock cards, the exact match is displayed first



We have fixed a bug in the stock card search in the order form. Now the exact match will be displayed first.

Automatic deactivation of the "for sale" label



We have corrected an error in the "for sale" labels. Now the label will be disabled automatically when the vehicle is sold.


Tutorials on

Help Centre for your AUTiX.


New video tutorials

How to use service discount groups - for example for Ford 5+

How to sell used cars

Instructions for advance invoices and settlement


New features and fixes in v2023.41.0

  1. Designation of the business partner as debtor
  2. Automatic filling of terms in the service order

Označení obchodního partnera jako dlužníka


A checkbox has been added in the partner editing in the Invoicing section: Debtor. If the partner is marked as a debtor, it will not be possible to select the payment method of money order and cash on delivery. Currently, this feature does not work in stock orders in the quick 3 step action Order, Issue and Invoice - development is in progress.



Automatic filling of terms in the service order


The fields Vehicle Do, Service Start Date and Expected Service End Date are now automatically populated according to the Vehicle Do from field.


Tutorials on

Help Centre for your AUTiX.


New video instructions

How to use service discount groups - for example for Ford 5+

How to sell used cars

Instructions for advance invoices and settlement


New features and fixes in v2023.40.0


  1. Manual entry of calendar data into forms
  2. To remove the automatic keyboard display on a tablet
  3. Fixed error in invoiced production list export

Manual entry of calendar data into forms


All calendar dates (date) can now be typed manually and do not need to be clicked in the pop-up calendar.

To remove the automatic keyboard display on a tablet


When using the tablet, it happened that when selecting items in forms, the keyboard was displayed in places where it was not needed.

Fixed error in invoiced production list export


It was possible to create the invoiced production list, but the export was not completed.


Tutorials on

Help Centre for your AUTiX.


New video tutorials

How to use service discount groups - for example for Ford 5+

How to sell used cars

Instructions for advance invoices and settlement


New features and fixes in v2023.39.0


  1. Date of delivery and parking of the vehicle in the service contract
  2. Correction of an error when extending the loan
  3. Correction of an error when creating an invoice from a receipt
  4. Bug fix in billing email settings

Date of delivery and parking of the vehicle in the service contract


We have added new fields to the service order:

Term of vehicle delivery "from-to"
Vehicle pick-up date "from-to"

Correction of loan extension error



We have corrected an error that prevented the loan from being extended.

Fixed an error when creating a received invoice from a receipt



We fixed an error where Action → Create Received Invoice gave an error and the invoice was not created.

Bug fix in billing email settings



Fixed a bug in the email template settings for invoicing where AUTiX did not use its own template even though it was defined.


Tutorials on

Assistance centre for your AUTiX.


New video tutorials

How to use service discount groups - for example for Ford 5+

How to sell used cars

Instructions for advance invoices and settlement


New features and fixes in v2023.38.0


  1. Edit list for received and issued invoices

Edit list for received and issued invoices


We have modified the grids (lists) for received and issued invoices. We have removed the column For payment excluding VAT. We have added a column Payment status and a column Total incl. VAT.


Tutorials on

Assistance centre for your AUTiX.


New video tutorials

How to use service discount groups - for example for Ford 5+

How to sell used cars

Instructions for advance invoices and settlement


New features and fixes in v2023.37.0


  1. Date paid in the tax document for the payment received (settlement)
  2. Material search in orders
  3. Edit the order sheet without items
  4. Pairing material and work - redirection after saving

Date paid in the tax document for the payment received (settlement)



The date paid on the tax receipt for the payment received (settlement) was displayed according to the date the receipt was paired. Now it is displayed according to the date of actual payment

Material search in orders



In the material order forms, all items were whispered into the items, including those that were out of stock. A checkbox "Only items in stock" has been added above the items, so that only items that are in stock are whispered into the form when checked.

Edit the order sheet without items



We have modified the appearance of the Order sheet without items (Ford).

Pairing material and work - redirection after saving



When the user clicks the Save button in the Material Pairing form, the pairing is saved and the user is redirected to the details of the job.


Tutorials on

Assistance centre for your AUTiX.


New video tutorials

How to use service discount groups - for example for Ford 5+

How to sell used cars

Instructions for advance invoices and settlement


New features and fixes in v2023.36.0


  1. Adjustment of a negative receipt
  2. Changes in the cash documents overview
  3. Payment of invoices by cash vouchers and their status
  4. Contacts in the service contract
  5. Notification of new Ford price list uploads
  6. Correction to import receipts
  7. Service calendar error correction

Adjustment of a negative receipt



It is now possible to edit the negative receipt. For functionality, you just need to set the role rights so that users have this option.

Changes in the cash documents overview



We have removed the payment method and payment date columns in the cash documents overview to simplify the readability of the overview.

Payment of invoices by cash vouchers and their status



In the case of active connection with ABRA Flexi, invoices that have been paid with a cash document in AUTiX are now immediately displayed as paid and no longer wait for a status update from ABRA Flexi.

Contacts in the service contract



In the service order detail, we now list only the client contact (name, position, email, phone) that is filled in the client's contact directory.

Notification of new Ford price list uploads



We upload current price lists every month. Now a notification will appear after each upload of new price lists.

Correction to import receipts



When importing a receipt that contained a negative number of pieces, the import did not work. Now the import is functional even if a negative number of items is entered (there must be a sufficient number of items in stock and they must be taken from the correct location).

Service calendar error correction



When the job was moved in the calendar, the entry was scheduled for another hour (one hour later).


Tutorials for

Assistance centre for your AUTiX.


New video tutorials

How to use service discount groups - for example for Ford 5+

How to sell used cars

Instructions for advance invoices and settlement


Fixes in v2023.35.0


  1. Rename the margin in the stock card detail
  2. Change the number series in a non-service order
  3. Fix material to job matching in a service order

Renaming margin in stock card detail


The margin has been renamed "Trading Markup" and the residual margin has been renamed "Margin".

Change of number series in a non-service contract


Fixed a bug that did not allow an additional number series change for a non-service order.

Fixed a bug that did not allow changing an additional number series for a non-service order.


When the service order item did not have a code, the matching form did not work correctly.


Tutorials on

Help Centre for your AUTiX.

New video tutorials

How to use service discount groups - for example for Ford 5+

How to sell used cars

Instructions for advance invoices and settlement


New features and fixes in v2023.34.0


  1. Optional registration number in a foreign business partner
  2. Automatic synchronization of received invoices with the same variable symbol with ABRA Flexi
  3. Possibility of manual adjustment of amounts in the items of received invoices
  4. Correction of mandatory client contact in order invoicing
  5. Automatic addition of the customer when returning an item in a service order

Optional registration number in a foreign business partner



The obligation to fill in the registration number is now governed by the country of the business partner.

Automatic synchronization of received invoices with the same variable symbol with ABRA Flexi



When entering a received invoice with the same variable symbol, AUTiX will warn you that a document with the same variable symbol already exists, but it will still synchronise automatically with ABRA Flexi.

Possibility of manual adjustment of amounts in items of received invoices



In the received invoices, it is possible to manually adjust the amounts in the items so that the amounts do not dynamically change each other all the time.

Correction of mandatory client contact in order invoicing



Fixed a bug where optional information (client contact) was required to invoice an order.

Automatic completion of the customer when returning an item in a service order



Fixed a bug that didn't automatically add the customer (business partner) during the "Return item in service order" action.


Tutorials on

Assistance centre for your AUTiX.


New video tutorials

How to use service discount groups - for example for Ford 5+

How to sell used cars

Instructions for advance invoices and settlement


Fixes in v2023.33.0



  1. Fix adding client contact in order editing
  2. Fix time and attendance tracking

Fix adding client contact in order editing



We've fixed a bug that made it impossible to add a new contact in service order editing.

Correction of time and attendance tracking



We have modified attendance and timekeeping so that everything works on older devices.


Tutorials on

Help centre for your AUTiX.


New video tutorials

How to use service discount groups - for example for Ford 5+

How to sell used cars

Instructions for advance invoices and settlement


New features and fixes in v2023.32.0


  1. Option to enter past/future vehicle rentals in the rental calendar
  2. Removal of reimbursement information in cash and internal documents
  3. Variable symbol from the issued invoice in the cash receipt

Ability to enter past/future rentals in the rental calendar



We have recently added the ability to enter matches backwards and forwards. We have now added the ability to create future/past rentals directly from the rental company calendar.


Removal of reimbursement information in cash and internal documents



AUTiX will now stop displaying the paid/unpaid attribute for cash and internal documents.


Variable symbol from the issued invoice in the cash receipt



In some situations, when creating a cash receipt from an invoice (both issued and advance), the invoice (tax document) number was added to the variable symbol. Now the variable symbol from the invoice is added, which may differ from the invoice number.



Tutorials on

Assistance centre for your AUTiX.


New video tutorials

How to use service discount groups - for example for Ford 5+

How to sell used cars

Instructions for advance invoices and settlement


Fixes in v2023.31.0


In the new version:

  1. Correction of the price calculation in the car rental
  2. Correction of export of stock list

Correction of the price calculation in the car rental



The rental company did not write the total price in the log when changing the length of the rental, even though the correct amount was invoiced.

Correction of the export of the inventory list


It was not possible to export the stock list. The inventory always ended with an error "An error occurred".



Tutorials on

Assistance centre for your AUTiX.


New video tutorials

How to use service discount groups - for example for Ford 5+

How to sell used cars

Instructions for advance invoices and settlement


New features and fixes in v2023.30.0


In the new version:

  1. Filtering in the service calendar
  2. Correction of orders in the partner module
  3. Correction of physical receipt
  4. Corrections to item matching form

Filtering in the service calendar

When filtering by status, it is now possible to select multiple items at once.


Correcting orders in the partner module


Fix search by finis. Search was not loading the found options.


Correction of physical reception


Fixed a bug where physical reception was not completed. The error was manifesting itself when creating a physical receipt from an import.


Corrections to the item matching form


The material and labor matching form displayed the wrong date and incorrectly linked to a completely different item when you clicked on an item.



Tutorials on

Assistance centre for your AUTiX.


New video tutorial

How to use service discount groups - for example for Ford 5+

How to sell used cars

Instructions for advance invoices and settlement


New features and fixes in v2023.29.0


In the new version:

  1. Renaming and separation of invoices and cash documents
  2. Order sheet (Ford) without items
  3. Automatic filling of data in the service order
  4. Click on a vehicle in the service order
  5. Daily summary in calendar as default
  6. Day name next to the date in the calendar
  7. Fixed naming of "Holiday" status in attendance

Renaming and separation of invoices and cash documents



For greater clarity, the menu has been divided into individual accounting documents. The Invoicing menu in the main menu has been renamed to Accounting documents.

Order sheet (Ford) without items



We have added the ability to print a custom sheet (Ford) without items.

Automatic filling of data in the service order


When creating a new service order, the "Client contact" and "Picks up" fields are now automatically pre-filled according to the contact in the business partner (if there is one contact in the address book).

If multiple contacts are filled in the address book, the fields still need to be filled in by the user.


Click on the car in the service order



When creating, editing and previewing a service order (internal and commercial), a link from the order to the vehicle detail has been added (e.g. service order and vehicle detail)

Daily summary in the calendar as default



When you open the service calendar, the default status is now set to daily summary.

Day name next to the date in the calendar



In the service calendar, we now include the name of the day next to the date in the daily summary.

Corrected the naming of the "Holiday" status in attendance



There is a legend below the attendance table explaining what each colour means. Instead of "Total leave" in the legend, you will now find "Leave"


Tutorials on

Assistance centre for your AUTiX.

New video instructions

How to use service discount groups - for example for Ford 5+

How to sell used cars

Instructions for advance invoices and settlement


New features and fixes in v2023.28.0


In the new version:

  1. Correction of matching of advance invoices to orders
  2. Fix uploading attachments to faturas
  3. Correction of accounting order number in service order
  4. Correction to update the status of Invoiced
  5. Vehicle information in invoice detail
  6. Reconciliation of data in the Job Records and Employee Jobs reports
  7. Automatic addition of business partner bank account in document
  8. Transmission of the contract after a change of partner
  9. Write-back of sales prices to orders and sales after invoicing
  10. Adding a number series with a number series prefix from the archive
  11. Importing a receipt with a negative value

Correction of matching of advance invoices to orders



Advance invoices are correctly assigned in the service order after the repair.

Fix uploading attachments to invoices


Fixed uploading attachments to invoices.


Correction of an accounting order number in a service order



When creating two service orders at the same time, it could happen that the actual number according to the service order was not added to the accounting order number. The correction will be reflected in the invoices and stock documents.

Correction of status update Invoiced



In some cases it happened that the status of the service order did not change after invoicing.

Vehicle information in the invoice detail

Correction of displaying vehicle information (license plate number and VIN) in the invoice if it is selected in invoice editing that this information should be displayed on the invoice.


Unification of data in the Labour Records and Employee Labour reports



The information in the PDF Job Register and PDF Employee Jobs has been merged. Both reports now have the same values.

Automatically add the business partner's bank account in the document



When a new document is created, the bank account of the business partner is automatically filled in.

Handover after change of partner


Correction of an error in the handover of an order without a vehicle where the client changed from a company to a private person.


Write-back of sales prices to orders and sales after invoicing


When invoicing a service order, dispatch, or purchase order, the final sales price from the invoice is written into the warehouse documents and internal orders.


Adding a number series with a prefix in the archive


Fixed an error when adding an invoice number series if the prefix of the newly created number series was contained in an archived number series. Added validation and warning why a series cannot be added


Importing a receipt with a negative value


Removed validation for a negative number of pieces in the receipt import.



Tutorials on

Assistance centre for your AUTiX.


New features and fixes in v2023.27.0


In the new version of your AUTiX you can look forward to:

  1. Add work - option to insert without material
  2. Adding links between settlement and final invoice
  3. Correction of invoice footer and header that were being written in HTML in ABRA Flexi
  4. Overwriting of purchase prices by regular import will only occur
    for selected dealers
  5. Adding fields to service order filtering
  6. Separation of invoices and cash documents in the main menu
  7. Fixed XFI error logging

Action Add repair - option to insert without material



The Add repair action has been improved in the service order, now it is possible to insert only work without material, similar to VLM.

Addition of links between tax documents for payment and final invoices



The link between all types of issued invoices (advance invoice, tax document for payment, final invoice) has been added

Correction of the header and footer of the invoice, which were entered in ABRA Flexi in HTML format



The format of the header and footer of the invoice, which used to be written in HTML format in ABRA Flexi, has been corrected. Now they will be written as plain text.

Rewriting of purchase prices by regular import will only occur at selected dealers



When importing price lists from Ford, we overwrite the purchase price in the stock card. This purchase price is only relevant for dealers of the ADND type (Authorised Spare Parts Dealer), for other dealers the overwriting of purchase prices with imports will no longer be carried out.

Adding fields to service order filtering

Thanks to XFI (data sharing to Ford), several new fields have been added to the service order. Filtering is useful for reporting and awareness for executives, senior management and other analytics, for example.


Separation of invoices and cash documents in the main menu



The main menu and opening of forms have been changed. In case the user is in the Invoices Issued section, after clicking on the "+Add" button, the form will no longer open with a selection of multiple invoice types, but the type of invoice the user wants to create will be selected in advance.

Fix XFI error logging

Fixed an issue where XFI (data sharing to Ford) error logs (clients, orders) did not disappear after fixing them.



New features and fixes in v2023.24.1


In the new version of your autix, you can look forward to:

    1. It is not possible to create a stock card via a receipt
    2. It does not appear in the purchase price
    3. Excel export of the supplier order does not work
    4. It is not possible to add a vehicle to the planned order
    5. A credit note is issued when returning the goods in the order
    6. Fleet - cannot modify a set of tires
    7. Vehicle fleet - it is not possible to add a set to a car
    8. The receipt cannot be imported
    9. Creating an income document from an invoice does not work
    10. Editing client on invoice error
    11. Create a role right - the magic hook of accounting
    12. The footer and header of the invoice are written in HTML in Abra
    13. After resetting the filter, some filter fields are called "Nothing selected"

It is not possible to create a stock card via a receipt



The bug where it was not possible to create a new stock card via receipt has been resolved.

It does not appear in the purchase price


An issue with insufficient display of information in the warehouse card detail was noted. Specifically, information about the purchase price was not displayed.

Excel export of the supplier order does not work



An error message was displayed in AUTiX when the export order to excel button was clicked.

It is not possible to add a vehicle to the planned order



If the job was planned without adding a vehicle, it could not be added to the job later.

A credit note is issued when returning the goods in the order



When returning goods from the AUTiX order, it displayed an error message.

Fleet - cannot modify a set of tires



When I clicked on the edit tire set button, only an error message appeared and the tire set could not be edited in any way.

Vehicle fleet - it is not possible to add a set to a car



When I clicked on the button to add a set of tires, only an error message appeared and the set of tires could not be modified in any way.

The receipt cannot be imported


Importing a receipt created via google drive did not work and AUTiX displayed an error.

Automatic logout after 12 hours


We changed the time after which AUTiX automatically logs out. In the past, the time was set to 30 minutes. We have now extended the idle time to 12 hours.

Creating an income document from an invoice does not work


An amount with the wrong VAT was entered into the income receipt.

New features and fixes in v2023.24.0


In the new version of your autix you can look forward to:

  1. Can't create a stock card via the receipt
  2. Does not appear in the purchase price
  3. Exporting excel supplier orders does not work
  4. Cannot add vehicle to scheduled order
  5. Credit note falls off when returning goods in order
  6. Fleet - unable to edit tyre set
  7. Fleet - unable to add set to vehicle
  8. Cannot import receipts
  9. Not working to create a receipt from an invoice

Can't create a stock card via the receipt



The bug where it was not possible to create a new stock card via the receipt has been resolved.

Not shown in the purchase price



A problem with insufficient display of information in the stock card detail has been reported. Specifically, the purchase price information was not displayed.

Export of excel supplier order does not work



When I clicked on the export to excel button of the purchase order, AUTiX displayed an error message.

Cannot add a vehicle to a scheduled order



If a job was scheduled without adding a vehicle, it could not be added to the job later.

Credit note falls off when returning goods in an order



When returning the goods from the order AUTiX displayed an error message.

Vehicle fleet - can't adjust a set of tyres



When I clicked on the edit tyre set button, only an error message was displayed and the tyre set could not be edited in any way.

Vehicle fleet - can't add a set to a car



When I clicked on the add tyre set button, only an error message was displayed and the tyre set could not be edited in any way.

Cannot import receipts


Importing a receipt created via google drive did not work and AUTiX displayed an error.

Automatic logout after 12 hours


We have changed the time after which AUTiX automatically logs out. In the past the time was set to 30 minutes. Now we have extended the idle time to 12 hours.

Creating a receipt from an invoice does not work


The wrong amount of VAT was written into the cash receipt.


Instructions for

Assistance centre for your AUTiX.

New video instructions

How to use service discount groups - for example for Ford 5+

How to sell used cars

Instructions for advance invoices and settlement


New features and fixes in v2023.22.0


In the new version of your Autix, you can look forward to:

  1. List of invoiced production - added "Type of material" and "Discount code" fields
  2. Added text from the Job Description field to the invoice header.
  3. Merger of rates 0% VAT

List of invoiced production - added "Type of material" and "Discount code" fields


The fields for the type of material and the discount code have been added to the export of the list of invoiced production, which will make it easier to work with the table and filter data.

Added text from the Job Description field to the invoice header.


The invoice header will now contain the text from the "Job Description" field.

Merger of rates 0% VAT

This measure simplifies the use of zero VAT rates. The division into different types of VAT is resolved only in Abra.



Instructions on

Help center for your AUTiX.


New video tutorial

How to use service discount groups - for example for Ford 5+

Instructions on how to sell used cars

Instructions for advance invoices and settlements



New features and fixes in v2023.21.0


In the new version of your autix you can look forward to:

  1. Invoiced production list - added "Material type" and "Discount code" fields
  2. Added text from the Job Description field to the invoice header.
  3. Merge 0% VAT rates
  4. Add "Delivery note number" column to the Receipt table

Invoiced production list - added "Material type" and "Discount code" fields



New fields for material type and discount code have been added to the invoice production list export, which will make it easier to work with the table and filter the data.

Text from the Job Description field has been added to the invoice header.



The invoice header will now contain the text from the "Job Description" field.

Merging of 0% VAT rates



This measure simplifies the application of zero VAT rates. The split into different types of VAT is only addressed in Abra.

Adding the column "Delivery note number" to the receipts table



This new column will allow the filtering of receipts by delivery note number, which will greatly simplify the process of searching and identifying receipts.

Possibility to enter car soldering station matches into the past and future.



You can now set the ability to enter the rental company in the past and future in the user role rights.


Tutorials on

Assistance centre for your AUTiX.

New video instructions

How to use service discount groups - for example for Ford 5+

How to sell used cars

Instructions for advance invoices and settlement


New features and fixes in v2023.20.0


In the new version of your autix you can look forward to:

  1. Correction of large imports and exports
  2. Use touchpad/scroll to change discount in invoice line
  3. Fix loading of settled advance invoices
  4. Abra - Fixed line transfer for VAT and KH
  5. New field Commercial code

Correction of large imports and exports


Now it will no longer be necessary to run large imports individually with the help of a programmer. Now even large exports such as export of invoiced production for a period of more than 1 year will work without problems.

Use the touchpad/scroll to change the discount in the invoice line

We solved an issue where the user could randomly change the discount amount by scrolling.


Fixed loading of settled advance invoices


With a large number of settled advance invoices, it happened that the page did not load correctly and AUTiX displayed Server Error 500.

Abra - Correction of line transfer for VAT and KH


The transfer of rows from AUTiX to Abra for VAT and KH rows has been fixed. Please contact support to check the settings for proper functioning.

Output lists - new field Business code

We have added an additional field "Sales Code" for easier filtering and identification when working with the warehouse outlet summary.



Tutorials at

Assistance centre for your AUTiX.



New features and fixes in v2023.19.0


In the new version of your autix you can look forward to:

  1. Correction of imports of receipt/warehouse documents
  2. New fleet vehicles/orders
  3. Pre-filling location + preferred location
  4. Correction of attendance
  5. Correction of document export to expense document
  6. Internal expense document not working setting up payment method
  7. Stock card → action → menu item prints wrong text
  8. Error overwriting notes on cash documents
  9. Stabilization of orders in partner section
  10. QR codes on invoices not working
  11. Assign invoice action on receipts not visible on cash receipts
  12. Cannot create stock card in fleet in car detail via actions
  13. Invoices - VIN as order number
  14. 5+ in service order
  15. Fix loading settled advance invoices

Correction of imports of receipt/warehouse documents


Fixed a bug where a non-valid export is displayed as "in process". It is now marked as "failed". Import with a non-valid price has also been fixed. An error message is now displayed. Importing prices in different formats (1.51 or 1.51 etc.) has also been fixed. AUTiX will now warn if the import fields are set incorrectly/insufficient. Fixed the budgeting of charges of accepted pieces.

New fleet vehicles/orders


For fleet sales, more than one identical vehicle is often sold. The user now does not have to enter the same offer/order repeatedly.

Location prefill + preferred location


The preferred location will be inserted into the new receipt, but only if it is filled in. If it is not filled in, the usual location is inserted. The preferred warehouse for the receiving warehouse and the usual location for the dispatching warehouse are entered in the internal transfer. The preferred location is also added to the physical receipt.


(The preferred location can be set in the warehouse card settings).

Correction of attendance



In some cases, the current measurement may not have been completed as scheduled (doctor, training, etc.). The two time records thus overlapped, resulting in a non-functioning attendance record.

Correction of document export to expense document


If there was a document with a historical date and a document with a current date, it did not report an error message and could not be exported to documents.

The payment method setting does not work in the internal expense document


When the preferred payment was filled in with the home company, the payment method was automatically overwritten in the internal invoices. Thus, it was not possible to set any other option than the preset preferred payment.

Stock card → Action → Menu item displays wrong text


Stock card → actions → displays the wrong text. The button is now not displayed when the connection to Abra Flexi is enabled. It is activated when the connection to the softapp is switched on. If neither external system is active, the button will not be displayed.

Error in inserting a note in cash documents


When the format of the notes storage in AUTiX was changed and the formatting option was added, the data sent to Abra Flexi changed. This created meaningless characters in the note text.


Ordering in the partner section does not work


(fixed before the release of the new version) Fixed a bug due to which it was not possible to create an order in the partner section.

QR codes on invoices don't work


We have updated the QR code creation function in AUTiX and now they work as they should.

Action assign invoice to receipt does not see cash documents

Now you can also pair a cash receipt to the recipient.


A stock card cannot be created via actions in the vehicle detail in the fleet

The action → create stock card opens the form for creating a stock card. The VIN code and vehicle name are pre-filled. Once filled in and saved, a new stock card is created and paired immediately to the vehicle.

The "Pair" action is displayed in the vehicle detail when there is a glass card with a card code equal to the vehicle VIN. It offers pairing. When clicked, the pairing will occur.


Invoices - VIN as order number


The order number field on the invoice has been expanded to accommodate the entire VIN code.

Discount groups in the service contract - 5+

It is also now possible to set up discount service groups in AUTiX based on various parameters. For example, for the Discount Action for material used in the service for cars older than 5 years. You can set the discounts in Service → Service Groups (here you create a service group 5+ for which you specify the MLI group type).

Service → Discount policy (Here you add a discount, select the Service group and add MLI codes).


Codes can also be added in bulk (comma separated).

Fixed loading of settled advance invoices


With a large number of settled advance invoices, it happened that the page did not load correctly and AUTiX displayed Server Error 500.


Instructions for

Assistance centre for your AUTiX.

New video instructions

how to use service discount groups - for example for Ford 5+


In the new version of your Autix you can look forward to:

  1. Correction of imports of receipt/warehouse documents
  2. New fleet vehicles/orders
  3. Pre-filling location + preferred location
  4. Correction of attendance
  5. Correction of document export to expense document
  6. Internal expense document not working setting up payment method
  7. Stock card → action → menu item prints wrong text
  8. Error overwriting notes on cash documents
  9. Stabilization of orders in partner section
  10. QR codes on invoices not working
  11. Assign invoice action on receipts not visible on cash receipts
  12. Cannot create stock card in fleet in car detail via actions
  13. Invoices - VIN as order number
  14. 5+ in service order
  15. Fix loading settled advance invoices

Correction of imports of receipt/warehouse documents


Fixed a bug where a non-valid export is displayed as "in process". It is now marked as "failed". Import with a non-valid price has also been fixed. An error message is now displayed. Importing prices in different formats (1.51 or 1.51 etc.) has also been fixed. AUTiX will now warn if the import fields are set incorrectly/insufficient. Fixed the budgeting of charges of accepted pieces.


New fleet vehicles/orders


For fleet sales, more than one identical vehicle is often sold. The user now does not have to enter the same offer/order repeatedly.

Location prefill + preferred location

The preferred location is inserted into the new receipt, but only if it is filled in. If it is not filled in, the usual location is inserted. The preferred warehouse for the receiving warehouse and the usual location for the dispatching warehouse are entered in the internal transfer. The preferred location is also added to the physical receipt.

(The preferred location can be set in the warehouse card settings).


Correction of attendance

In some cases, the current measurement may not have been completed as scheduled (doctor, training, etc.). The two time records thus overlapped, resulting in a non-functioning attendance record.


Correction of document export to expense document


If there was a document with a historical date and a document with a current date, it did not report an error message and could not be exported to documents.

The payment method setting does not work in the internal expense document


When the preferred payment was filled in with the home company, the payment method was automatically overwritten in the internal invoices. Thus, it was not possible to set any other option than the preset preferred payment.

Stock card → Action → Menu item displays wrong text


Stock card → actions → displays the wrong text. The button is now not displayed when the connection to Abra Flexi is enabled. It is activated when the connection to the softapp is switched on. If neither external system is active, the button will not be displayed.

Error in inserting a note in cash documents


When the format of the notes storage in AUTiX was changed and the formatting option was added, the data sent to Abra Flexi changed. This created meaningless characters in the note text.

Ordering in the partner section does not work


(fixed before the release of the new version) Fixed a bug due to which it was not possible to create an order in the partner section.

Non-functioning QR codes on invoices


We have updated the QR code creation function in AUTiX and now they work as they should.

Action assign invoice to receipt does not see cash documents


Now you can also pair a cash register receipt to the recipient.

A stock card cannot be created via actions in the vehicle detail in the fleet

The action → create stock card opens the form for creating a stock card. The VIN code and vehicle name are pre-filled. Once filled in and saved, a new stock card is created and paired immediately to the vehicle.

The "Pair" action will be displayed in the vehicle detail when a stock card exists with a card code equal to the VIN of the vehicle. It offers pairing. When clicked, the pairing occurs.

Invoices - VIN as order number


The order number field on the invoice has been expanded to accommodate the entire VIN code.

Discount groups in the service contracts - 5+

It is also now possible to set up discount service groups in AUTiX based on various parameters. For example, for the Discount Action for material used in the service for cars older than 5 years. You can set the discounts in Service → Service Groups (here you create a service group 5+ for which you specify the MLI group type).
Service → Discount Policy (Here you add the discount, select the Service Group and add the MLI codes).

Codes can also be added in bulk (separated by a comma).


Fixed loading of settled advance invoices


With a large number of settled advance invoices, it happened that the page did not load correctly and AUTiX displayed Server Error 500.


Instructions on

Assistance centre for your AUTiX.

New video instructions

how to use service discount groups - for example for Ford 5+



New features and fixes in v2023.16.1



In the new version of your AUTiX you can look forward to:

  1. Delivery of the bank account for the received invoice from AUTiX to Abra Flexi
  2. Update credit note matching from invoice to order
  3. Invoiced production can now be exported for up to 3 years
  4. Attendance - current leave status
  5. Improved stability of operating lease form
  6. Import of IHS receipts corrected
  7. Creating an invoice received from a receipt
  8. Fixed spare parts order creation in partner module

Delivery of the bank account for the invoice received from autix to Abra Flexi


Now the account number from the received invoice created in autix is entered into Abra Flexi.

Update credit note matching from invoice to order



If the credit note was created from an invoice and not from an order, the link between the credit note and the order was not created. Now the credit note from the invoice will also return the goods to the warehouse.

Invoiced production inventory can now be exported up to 3 years later



We've updated the way we process larger tasks, such as exporting the invoice production list, which could cause problems with larger amounts of data and longer periods.

Attendance - current holiday status



We have added the current status of the selected leave to the attendance record. We have split the leave into two fields. One field indicates the rest of the leave that can still be completed. The second field is the remaining unselected leave as of the current date (Scheduled leave is included here).

Improving the stability of the operating lease form


Update of the operating lease form.

Import of IHS receipts corrected


Fixed an error when importing IHS receipts crashed and did not complete.

Creating a received invoice from a receipt


We fixed a bug where an error message popped up, but the invoice was created twice.

Spare parts order creation in the partner module is now also fully functional


We fixed a bug that resulted in clients from the partner module not being able to create a product order.


Tutorials on

Help Centre for your AUTiX.





New features and fixes in v2023.16.0


In the new version of your Autix you can look forward to:

  1. Delivery of the bank account for the invoice received from autix to Abra Flexi
  2. Update credit note matching from invoice to order
  3. Invoiced production can now be exported for up to 3 years
  4. Attendance - current leave status
  5. Improved stability of operating lease form

Delivery of the bank account for the invoice received from autix to Abra Flexi



Now the account number from the received invoice created in autix is entered into Abra Flexi.

Update credit note matching from invoice to order



If the credit note was created from an invoice and not from an order, the link between the credit note and the order was not created. Now the credit note from the invoice will also return the goods to the warehouse.

Invoiced production inventory can now be exported up to 3 years later



We have updated the way we process larger tasks, such as the export of the invoice production list, which could cause problems with larger amounts of data and longer periods.

Attendance - current holiday status



We have added the current status of the selected leave to the attendance record. We have split the leave into two fields. One field indicates the rest of the leave that can still be completed. The second field is the remaining unselected leave as of the current date (Scheduled leave is included here).

Improving the stability of the operating lease form



Update of the operating lease form.


Tutorials on

Help Centre for your AUTiX.



New features and fixes in v2023.15.0


New version v2023.15.0 is out. This version deals mainly with development improvement of the system. These are background changes to AUTiX that you won't see in your application.


But you can look forward to the little things in the new version of your autix:

  1. VAT ID validation update for non-payers from Slovakia - Abra Flexi
  2. Abra flexi paid attention to the details of the received invoice

VAT ID validation update for non-payers from Slovakia - Abra Flexi


In the event that the client is not registered as a VAT payer, the content of the VAT number will not be validated during the prescription to Abra Flexi.

We added Abra Flexi to the details of received invoices


Similar to issued invoices, the Abra Flexi number will now be displayed in the detail of received invoices. The ze number will only be displayed if the invoice is synchronized with the accounting system.


New tutorials on

Video instruction - Sale of used cars



New features and fixes in v2023.14.1


New features and fixes in v2023.14.1

  1. Added document number to footer
  2. Update listing of existing orders for a given car (When creating a new order)
  3. Text for invoice in service order
  4. Update of validation of VAT ID number for non VAT payer from Slovakia - Flexibee
  5. Simplification of used car sales

Added document number to footer


PDF export of all documents now contains the document number in the footer. We have done this to make it easier to identify the individual pages of the document.

Update the listing of existing orders for a given car (When creating a new order)


We have changed the data format of an existing contract for better readability. Furthermore, there was a problem with retracting the partner in case it is a private person. Now the partner can be overwritten without any problem.

Text for the invoice in the service order


We have added the ability to add a text field to an invoice from a service order. The text field is written into the invoice above the list of items.

Update of the validation of the VAT number for non-payers of VAT from Slovakia - Flexibee


In the case that the partner is not registered as a place dph, the content of the VAT number will not be validated when writing to Flexibee. Thus, there will be no problem with synchronization with Flexibee.

Simplifying the sale of used cars


The process of selling used cars is now more intuitive and simpler. Actions have been added to create a stock card for the car. Also added are simple instructions when autix asks if you have a car in your fleet, check mileage status and more.

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New features and fixes in v2023.14.0


In the new version of your autix you can look forward to:

  1. Invoice to document matching now shows unrounded amounts
  2. We have moved the "date of commissioning" field
  3. New bulk action to match invoice to "receipts"
  4. Update of the connection to VIES
  5. Adjustment of penny offset on invoices
  6. Check service order for the same vehicle
  7. Change of the order sheet and the Warranty order sheet
  8. Internal transfer from stock card detail
  9. Tachometer status on invoice

Invoice to document matching now shows unrounded amounts


To make it easier to check and identify the matched invoice, we now show the unrounded amounts in the table. For better clarity, we have also added columns with the variable symbol and the number of the received invoice to the table.

We have moved the "date put into service" field when adding a new car


When you take delivery of a new car, you will now also be offered a "date put into service" box. The "Commissioning date" is hidden under the checkbox "Date of purchase and activation".

New bulk action for matching invoices to "receipts"


Now under the Receipts table you will find an action called "Assign invoice number" in the bulk actions. Receipts can now be marked with a checkbox and then linked to an invoice using a bulk action.

Updating the connection to VIES


When entering the data using ARES, it could happen that during the verification using VIES a situation arose when VIES entered a different (invalid) ID number.

Adjustment of penny settlements on invoices


Now the penny offset is no longer an invoice item, but is added to the invoice total.

Checking a service order for the same vehicle


Now AUTiX will notify you when you create a new order that there is already a service order scheduled or current for the vehicle.

Change to the Contract Letter and the Contract Guarantee Letter


We have changed the format of the order sheet, added GDPR text. We also added a signature field to the contract description in the guarantee contract.

Internal transfer from stock card detail


Now in the stock card detail you will find the internal transfer action. In the stock card detail action → Internal transfer.

Tachometer status on the invoice


The mileage will now also be written on the invoice. The value that was filled in when the finished vehicle was handed over to the client is loaded as the mileage.

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New features and fixes in v2023.13.1


In the new version of your autix you can look forward to:

  1. We have removed the payment line from the invoice
  2. New way to import FORD new car price lists
  3. GDPR news
  4. New features in the calendar
  5. New export type for supplier orders
  6. Update of the filter on employees
  7. GOASIS check update
  8. Resolved reason for Flexibee sync message
  9. Automatic posting
  10. Update to send simplified tax invoice to Flexibee
  11. Set up automatic synchronization with Flexibee

We have removed the payment line from the invoice
(in cases where its value is 0 CZK)


The line with zero value and VAT 21% was causing problems in the accounting. The payment line with value 0 CZK will no longer be entered in invoices.

New way to import FORD new car price lists


We have imported the price lists of new FORD cars including history. We have also prepared a new option to import new car price lists directly in the AUTiX system.

New developments in GDPR

Now the partner will always be shown if they have consented to GDPR. Whether the partner has signed the GDRP will now be displayed in the details of the order, service order, loan, operating lease, invoice, car transport intervention, contract. The moment you select "Create Consent" in the partner detail, the client will see the GDPR text when they sign. GDPR consent can now also be made from Actions → GDPR consent in all the above mentioned functions.

New features in the calendar

  • Added status filter. Service orders can now be filtered by all statuses.
  • Explanations of each service order status color have been added below the calendar.
  • The daily summary now also displays jobs that do not have a filled status.
  • In the right window (clicked jobs) in the calendar, we have added a description of the job.
  • The monthly summary at the top, instead of the from/to date, shows the month name and year.
  • When you click on a scheduled service job, the service job note is now written.
  • There is also an option to set the start and end time of the daily summary to suit the needs of the service desk. To set this up, go to Settings → Service → Daily Summary Settings

New type of export of supplier orders

The new export encompasses

  1. Item code
  2. Item name
  3. Quantity
  4. Resolution
  5. Internal order number
  6. Supplier order number


This export is intended for garages that do not purchase spare parts directly from Ford and thus have to match receipts and supplier orders manually. Now the purchase order can be sent to the supplier so that the supplier can add all the data needed for a simple receipt to the document using the import.

Updating the filter on employees


Now the employee filter should work as it should and it doesn't happen that the employee doesn't get hired.

GOASIS control update


GOASIS now does not exhibit the behavior of not automatically reading the VIN.

Resolved reason for Flexibee sync message

(Flexibee: The text 'code:343440' must identify the object [9239002])


Now the header will no longer appear during synchronisation and the synchronisation will take place as it should.

Automatic accounting


Now invoice items are automatically booked according to the accounting rules when synchronizing with Abra Flexi at night.

Update of sending simplified tax document to Flexibee


In the case of a unit price with dph for an item, the wrong amount was sent to Abra Flexi and the synchronization did not go through validation.

Set up automatic synchronization with Flexibee


Documents that are posted at night are now also automatically sent to Abra Flexi at night. It is no longer necessary to send them manually the next day.

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New features and fixes in v2023.9.2


In the new version of your autix you can look forward to:

Errors we have corrected:

  1. Change when entering a cash payment
  2. Removed "Return receipt" action
  3. Fixed service order invoicing - neither preferred payment method nor due date was being overwritten from the client's card
  4. Purchase orders - commercial order, payment type is not overwritten
  5. Orders - when billing an order, neither the payment method nor the due date is overwritten from the client's card
  6. Orders - error overwriting discounts
  7. Fixed saving date for annual period
  8. Payer verification via VIES - correction

We've also added new features.

  1. Option to change the column order
  2. Added "Created by" column
  3. Added possibility to link orders to received invoices
  4. Car search by license plate number
  5. Possibility to set the obligation to fill in the activity in invoices
  6. Possibility to set the number series of the obligation to charge

An important new feature is also a new bulletin board of planned changes to autix

  • In the first column of the bulletin board you can see the planned and accepted requirements that we have already included in the development plan
  • In the second column you can see the requirements that are currently being worked on.
  • The next columns indicate the completed requirements
  • The name of the Release column always contains the version designation and the date for which the release is scheduled.
  • For example, the Version v2023.9.2 3.2.2023 column indicates that this is the version of v2023.9.2 that was scheduled for release on February 3, 2023.
  • If you only see colored labels with no text on the individual cards, just click on the colored label and the version designation in which the change will be released will appear.
  • Most cards also have a more detailed description. You can access the description by clicking on the card and the card detail will open.
AUTiX version plan

Change when entering a cash payment


If you select cash payment in the order → a new field will appear for the invoicing number series. Only the number series that are associated with the checkout will be displayed here.

Possibility to change the order of columns


The option to sort columns according to your preferences has been added. Just click and hold on the name of the column you want to move. Hold down the button to move the column name to the desired position. Confirm your column sorting choice with the Save button.

Added "Created by" column


In this column you will find information about who created the service order.

Removed "Return receipt" action


We have removed the return receipt action in the order. Instead of this option, you will find the actions return goods and archiving the order.

Correction in trading partner details - neither the preferred payment method nor the due date was being copied from the client's card


In the service settings, you can set the payment method and due date for service invoicing, and you can also set the same in the business partner. We have added an option in the settings where you can switch whether the data from the settings or from the business partner will be transcribed

Orders - commercial order, payment type is not transferred


When selecting a client, the client's preferred payment type is pre-filled. When you select a number series that has a payment method set, the number series setting takes precedence.

Orders - when invoicing an order, neither the method of payment nor the due date is copied from the client's card


The error has been corrected and now both the payment method and the due date from the client's card are entered in the bill.

Orders - error in writing discounts


Now the discounts are entered correctly in the banner. Discounts are written into the fields discount on work, discount on material and other discounts.

Added the ability to link orders to received invoices


It is now possible to match invoices to supplier orders in the same way as for receipts.

Search for cars using number plates


Now you can also search for cars in the full-text search by license plate number.

Possibility to set the obligation to fill in the activity in invoices

For invoices: settings → Invoicing → Accounting information

The resulting invoices will require the selected activity.

For warehouse documents: settings → Warehouse → General → Warehouse management settings


The resulting stock documents will require the selected activity.

Fix saving date for seasons


In the tyre settings (Seasons) we have fixed a bug where the set date was not saved. In addition, the current date appeared when the page was reloaded.

Payer verification via VIES - correction


Fixed a bug where the payer could not be verified using VIES. The bug was occurring the first time the partner was verified.

Option to set the accounting obligation for a number series



You can now choose whether or not to require an account when sending data to abra for each invoice number series and stock documents.


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In the new version of your autix you can look forward to:

Bugs we fixed:

  1. Adding a new vehicle to a job no longer deletes previously entered parameters.
  2. Now, when scheduling a commercial job, adding a new car will open a window where the client's car is selected.
  3. Also fixed a bug that was caused by inadvertently adding material without a stock card.
  4. We have also corrected the verification of clients using the VIES system.

We have also added new features.

  1. It is now possible to format text using notes and internal notes using the WYSIWYG editor.
  2. We added the ability to format headers above signatures in a service order.
  3. There is also a new feature of matching material from jobs. You can now also set the priority of number lines.
  4. Added the ability to choose Home as a client when entering documents or into commercial service orders.
  5. Added the ability to revert approvals on invoices.
  6. Added the ability to change the VAT rate on a cash expense document.

Option to add a client when uploading a new document


Added the ability to add a new client when creating a document. It is no longer necessary to create a client in advance, but it is sufficient to add it when creating the document. Creating a new client works the same way as creating a service order or creating an invoice. The button to add a client is located in the client selection. On the top left side (next to the button for editing columns in the table).


Bug fix - Adding a new vehicle to a job deleted already filled in data

Fixed a bug that caused pre-filled fields to be deleted when entering a new service order.



Bug fix - When scheduling a commercial job, adding a new car opens a window where the company car is selected

Now, when scheduling a commercial service order and then adding a new vehicle, a window will open where the client vehicle is automatically selected.



Bug fix - After adding a material (using VLM) without a card and then deleting it, an exclamation mark remains next to the order

The error has been corrected and after deleting the material without the stock card, the order is fine and can be picked without any problem.



Added WYSIWYG editor to note field and internal note.

This is a type of editing software that allows users to view and edit content in a form that appears as if it were displayed on an interface, web page, presentation, or printed document. It allows you to better work with the formatting of the text you enter.



Added the ability to format headers above signatures in a service order.

Now you can format the text to improve not only the appearance but also its readability.

The template of the note above the signature on the order sheet can be modified in the service settings.

Settings -> Service -> General



Pairing work and material

According to Ford's rules, all materials in the job will now need to be paired with the work/labor. There is now a matching function in the job detail -> material and work tab.

If the material is not paired with the job it will be marked red. The job cannot then be formatted.



Remove "+Add" from attendance settings


An unnecessary button for adding a new record has been removed in the section Disabling time tracking in attendance.

Bug fix - VIES authentication not working


The connection to VIES has been fixed and now it will no longer be a problem to verify clients.



Option to set the display priority for numeric series in a service order


The option to set the priority of displaying number series has been added. This means that you can set which number series will be displayed first.



Error correction - Contact business partner (private person)


In the case of a private person, the system already keeps track of the contact to the business partner not only in the contact section, but also in the partner detail section. This means that you no longer have to fill in the contact twice, furthermore, this has solved the problem when ordering materials for the order and also the need to fill in the contact a second time when picking up the car.



Bug fix - Fix stock card search to find short names. E.g. 211


Now it shouldn't be a problem to find short codes in the stock cards.



Home company in commercial contracts (service)

You can now fill in the home company as a client for a commercial job. You can also add the home company as a client in the invoice.



Added options to revert approval on invoices

The invoice cannot be modified after approval. Now the action Revert invoice approval has been added. The invoice will be edited again after the return.

You can enable this feature in the permission settings.

Added option to change the VAT rate in the cash receipt


It is now possible to change the VAT rate of individual items when creating a sales receipt.



Added option to add Home Company as a partner in Documents.

Now you can add Home Company as a Business Partner in Documents.




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Autix is an online comprehensive and versatile "all-in-one system" for effective management of companies operating in various industries. Effective business management based on real-time data, automation of company processes based on proven and tested procedures. Autix is a solution for large and small businesses, including e-commerce.
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